

It’s as simple as push to start.

GEM Studio is the do-it-all interface that puts operators one tap away from the perfect recipe, right there on the side of your Sahara or via any device, anywhere. GEM Studio also captures a continuous stream of production data to improve product and increase margins.


Recipe Programs

Allows operators to create and save an unlimited number of recipes.

Input Assist

Learns on the job to perfect each recipe based on historical performance.

Adaptive Material Control

Recalculates what each recipe needs to outsmart fluctuations in output.

Interactive Maintenance

Syncs maintenance tasks to create a trackable to-do list across operators.

Follow the flow of material, down to the drop.

GEM Studio maintains constant communication with sensors throughout your Sahara to capture ultrasonic measurements at five-second intervals. And every last detail about every last drop can be stored forever or automatically translated into trendlines.

Take a vacation and still see inside your Sahara.

GEM Studio gives you access to a complete archive of historical analytics and sends real-time alerts to any smart device. With minute-by-minute breakdowns of your business, you can find hidden dollars and losses in everything from inventory to invoicing.

Automate the way you weigh materials.

GEM Studio features an advanced scale system that automatically shuts down the coloring system when each tote of colorant reaches a specific weight. The interface itself also shows the real-time colorant usage rate in pounds per minute.