Colorbiotics' workplace safety streak tops 2,000 days.
(AMES, Iowa – March 2024) Colorbiotics®, a Sika® Company, has achieved an impressive safety record of 2,000 days without a recordable or lost-time accident at its headquarters in Ames, Iowa. The safety streak lasting more than half a decade is a tribute to the standards employees follow every day, which in turn provide a benefit to customers.
March 22, 2024, was the official date Colorbiotics reached 2,000 days — a benchmark particularly notable given the constant movement of machines and products at its headquarters. The mulch colorant and asphalt company depends on commitment from employees at every level to continue its high safety standards.
“Safety is key to our business. It’s our license to operate,” says Mike Sams, operations manager at Colorbiotics. “The team gets together daily, and meetings start with a safety overview about the specific tasks at hand and how to approach them.”
The safety culture at Colorbiotics begins with onboarding. New employees go through an environmental health and safety (EHS) training that covers site policies before getting into job-specific training. Then they job shadow someone else in their new role until the trainer is satisfied the new employees can safely execute their assignments.
“One model I try to live and operate by is that cleaner is safer. A clean site is a safe site,” Sams says. “It sets the expectation for how we’re going to operate and creates a more efficient site.”
For customers, the safety mark demonstrates reliability.
“Knowing that we’re going to produce the same product every single day in a safe manner should give customers confidence that they’re going to receive what they need on time,” Sams says.
Hear from Mike Sams, the operations manager at Colorbiotics, about the commitment required to complete nearly 5.5 years without notable incident.